S1:E4:P2 Show notes

Strange Kentucky Skies, Part two; eye witness reports. We begin this episode by diving in to some eye witness reports from NUFO The national UFO Reporting Center website. Due to the vast amount of information available on that site, I’ll stick to covering highlighted cases, and the State Report Index for Kentucky only, but feel free to check out the index for whatever state you’re interested in.

ABDUCTION: The abduction of 3 women from Liberty, KY!

 Picture this if will, it’s Friday and you’ve got plans to get together with your two best friends, or maybe your boyfriend, or girlfriend and some pals. Anyway, you choose your favorite restaurant, enjoy a fabulous meal, and get in the car to return home. During your drive however things take a turn for the strange. You see a bright light in the sky, which burns with an intensity like nothing you’ve ever seen. Maybe it’s a plane crash, a fire in the distance? Suddenly there are flashing lights behind you. Maybe you’re being pulled over. Something is wrong! You’re disoriented, you panic, begin to feel full of fear. What’s going on?!?! Then BAM…just like that you’re an 12 miles down the road, and two hours have passed. You have no recollection. Well…that is exactly what happened to 3 Kentucky women from Liberty, Kentucky in 1976. Louise Smith, Elaine Thomas, Mona Stafford. The each went home after the encounter feeling very strange, extremely disoriented, their heads ached, and their skin was covered with marks and burns synonymous with chemical burns. Their skin burned terribly when they showered. They were anxious, had symptoms of what we would now describe as PTSD, and they seemed changed. Louise Smith remarked that they went to the doctor, who said they appeared to have burns similar to radiation type injuries. After reporting the incident they tried to heal and return to normal life. Work, family, etc. Until…one day a man approached them, after hearing about their experience in the news. His name was Jerry smith. He was an investigator who worked w/ researcher Lydia morel. The ladies agreed to talk with him. And what unfolded is very bizarre. A doctor, a hypnotist, and several others, supported the women and sought to find answers about what happened to them, rather than ostracizing them. They offered sources to investigate the unexplainable phenomena. James Young (Lexington police detective & president of the KY polygraph ass.) gave all 3 women a polygraph test, which indicated they were telling the truth. They were also interviewed by Bob Pratt Top UFO investigator from Nation inquirer, Jerry Smith, Lydia Morel, the investigators and the whole team visited with the women over a period of time and gathered a cohesive story of what occurred. Dr. Leo Sprinkle (professor of psych from Wyoming, who specialized in hypnotism) hypnotized them, during which the women shook, and sobbed pitifully as they recanted their account. Filled with were fearful and pure terror, they spoke of odd medical procedures done to them. Overall they recorded over 8 hours of hypnosis!!!

“Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe that unknown flying objects are nonsense.” Former CIA Director, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, public statement, 1960. 

Maybe you’ve heard the woman on Oprah or some other daytime television show, who emphatically claims that she is the mother of extraterrestrial babies, and you think to yourself…wowwwww that woman is absolutely NUTS! Maybe she is, probably she is…maybe she isn’t. The point is…her story seems too far fetched to be true, and furthermore, is she even a credible witness if there is no one to corroborate her claim? But what if you have tens, hundreds, even thousands of people within one area who claimed to have all seen the same things. Average people, like teachers, mailmen, nurses, cops…people who by all standards are sensible and rational. What if they saw, and reported an unidentified flying object? Then is it believable?

To answer this, let’s go back in time a little bit [weird music, think twilight zone] The year is 1989, the place is Belgium, a country in Western Europe near Germany. What’s happening you ask? One of history’s most infamous mass sightings of an unidentified flying object. It was your average night. People were coming home from work, maybe walking their dogs around the block. When suddenly, they peered towards the heaven and saw a black triangle, with lights at each of the points. It was like nothing they’d ever seen, like no planes, or technology that existed at that time. The phone to the local police stations began ringing off the hook. The sightings which began late 1989 and continued through the 1990. So many reports came in that the Belgium government, unlike the U.S., took action to investigate the claims of its citizens. Over 13,500 reports came in about the sighting, forcing the Belgium government to plainly acknowledge the incident. The Belgium airforce admitted they had no real answers for what occurred that day. How refreshing would it be if the United states government did the same?

 Tune in next week for PART 3; 
The Conspiracy Factor!!

For a more in depth coverage tune in to our podcast; Uncommon in the Commonwealth, which is available on castbox, spotify, stitcher.


End note: We are looking for interesting people to interview for a NEW Paranormal Podcast. Seeking people who have experienced paranormal events such as UFO/E.T. sightings, Big Foot encounters, and hauntings/ghost activity…any type of unexplainable phenomena! We can keep your identity confidential upon request. Please e-mail us at Uncommoninthecommonwealth@gmail.com


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