TRUE CRIME TUESDAY Ep. 9: Killer Petey aka the Real Dexter!!

                                                SERIAL KILLER ALERT

Before we get started with tonight's episode, We just want to give a little bit of a forewarning...tonight's episode contains a bit of gore and is not for the faint of heart. Be warned.

As you guys may or may not know. I happen to know a lot about serial killers. I don't romantisize what they do, or glorify the killings, but I find it interesting how the human mind can become warped and twisted in some really grotesque ways. The behavior of serial killers is often baffling and bizarre. It's like watching a train wreck, you want to look away but somehow you can't. For tonight's episode I have found a serial killer with some of the highest numbers I've ever seen, and I was shocked when I realized I'd never heard anything about him. His name is Pedro Rodrigues Filho. Although I'd never heard of him, he is one of Brazil's most well known serial killers who's infamy is unmatched by just any ordinary killer. He is a real life Dexter. Pedro Rodrigues Filho who is also sometimes called by nicknames such as Killer Petey and Pedrinho Matador, was born in Brazil July 17 1954. It seems this guy had a violent beginning and was almost certainly doomed from birth. 

His Father was extremely abusive towards his mother, so much so, he even attacked her so brutally during her pregnancy, which caused Pedro to be born with serious damage to his skull

He literally came in to this world in a violent and unnatural way which definitely warped him on the deepest levels. I don't know how it's possible but I kind of pity the guy, he didn't really stand much of a chance at a normal life with such a rough upbringing. It is suspected that Pedro first set out on his killing career at the tender age of 14. Can you imagine? He found out that his father had been fired and accused of stealing which enraged him so greatly he tracked down his Fathers boss, who happened to the deputy mayor, and shot him dead in the street, along with his security guard. I'm not really sure how but he managed to escape at this point but he did.

From then he worked his way up to much higher profile targets. Rodrigues intentionally moved in to an especially shady location where he began infiltrating cartels and gangs just to target and kill traffickers. By dirtying his hands he was literally cleaning up crime from the Brazilian streets. Once Rodrigues has illiminated the traffickers and drug dealers, he took over their positions, which made it easier for him to continue his murder spree by eliminating other rival gang members. And would you believe he managed to accomplish all of these dirty deeds before even turning 18?

                            South America's 8 Scariest Serial Killers - Rolling Stone

During all of this mayhem and bloodshed Killer Petey managed to meet a woman named Maria Olympia, and wouldn't you know it, they fell in love and were engaged to be married. She was even carrying their child. But sadly, and not totally unexpectedly, she was savagely murdered by rival gang members. As you can imagine this absolutely sent Rodrigues over the edge. He exacted his revenge at a wedding which was hosted by the rival gang member who he suspected was responsible for the murder of his beloved. And believe me it was a complete and total massacre. In total he killed seven people at the event and another 16 were injured. The horror this image leaves in my mind is completely unspeakable. This guy spent an enormous portion of his life covered in the blood of others.

Some time after this, his sad and strange blood stained life seemed to get even more gruesome. He discovered his father had been imprisoned for murdering his mother, literally hacking her up with a machete. So, of course he decided to pay him a little visit in prison. 

The visit went exactly how you think it did, and ended with Killer Petey stabbing his own father 22 times, then cutting out his heart and taking a bite out of it.

 YIKES! This has to be one of the most brutal serial killers I have ever heard about! Like totally next level psycho, so much so I can't even believe he really exists.

His murder career cotinued with complete and total free reign until he was finally arrested on May 24, 1973. But if you think being behind bars stopped his murderous rage you would be totally wrong. He continued killing other inmates and criminals during his extended stay in prison. It is said that he is responsible for over 47 murders of other inmates during his incarceration. His body count is absolutely astronomical. According to an article on criminalminds fandom, 

He was officially released on April 24, 2007, but he was arrested again at his house on September 15, 2011, and convicted of riot and false imprisonment. He admitted that his only motivation to be released was the fact that he had a girlfriend out of prison. He was later sentenced to 128 years in prison for these charges. He currently remains incarcerated.”

The fact that he was even able to be released is completely mind blowing. This guy was a real life Dexter. He killed bad guys, drug dealers, killers, theives, and the like. He was little like judge, jury and executioner for nearly 100 victims, which is both astounding and horrifying.



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