Creepy Baby Dolls Episode 22

I would like to tell the tale of how I ended up with not one, not two but 6 creepy baby dolls! And yes, you heard right, I'm a grown woman who is now the proud owner of 6 beautiful, beady eyed, ruffle dress wearing creepy dolls. But, are they haunted? 

So, Tom, my co-host, poor guy, had no idea I was procuring the creepy babies. What a shock he had when he comes home from work to see all these beautiful baby dolls sitting on the table. 

I've always wanted to get my hands on haunted items, so with Facebook marketplace and virtual yard-sales taking place, I finally got lucky. One of my friends offered up one at a price I couldn't resist. Then without hesitation one of her friends commenting on the post and mentioned she had a few she wanted to get rid of because they were quote “creeping out her grandchildren”. I jumped at this opportunity. But I was a little hesitant, what kind of paranormal strangeness was I getting myself in to?

I've tried to keep up with them according to name. So allow me to introduce them right quick. We have The Belville  baby,  swertheart Sally, Beulah, bridal Brittney, Heather, clown circus baby Angie. By now you probably think im certifiably nutty but the names will help us keep track of our observations of their haunted, or not haunted activities. (Check out our YouTube channel to watch the video of us using different tools to investigate the Dolls to see if they're haunted. Clock HERE to watch).

After we go through puberty and our youth begins to fade into the throws of adulthood, many of us lose our love of toys. Once cherished items get tossed aside in the Goodwill pile, or tucked away in a box in the attic somewhere. If toy story has taught us anything, it's how toys are sometimes more complex than we think. Many of us had a special stuffed bear, maybe an action figure or doll baby that we would hold for comfort, when we were scared, worried, upset, anxious. We played with these special items, told them about our hopes and dreams, took them on adventures, gave them names and backstories, and without even realizes may have event left a little piece of ourselves within their very fibers. What was your favorite toy growing up? I had a ton of beanie babies, but I remember loving the heck out of this one water baby I had! She had smooth coco colored skin and pink rosey cheeks.

So, how do these inanimate item go from toys, to haunted objects. I reached out to local psychic medium Kathryn Kauffman (For me about her amazing work, check out her website HERE) who is so knowledgeable, and always my go to for paranormal/supernatural type questions, and she sent me a pdf loaded with info that helped me write this article. If you have a chance, please go check out her Facebook page, and her YouTube channel. She has a plethora of videos that are so super informative, and just plain fascinating. According to miss Kauffman,

“All items resonate their own energy but they also hold and store energy from other resonant sources.”

If you need a recommendation for someone who can help you determine if your item is haunted, contact us and we will be glad to point you in the right direction. Like I've said before, from personal experience, Kathryn Kauffman is my favorite Psychic Medium, she works out of Lexington, ky.

Another factor that can determine whether or not an item, dolls specifically, is haunted, is whether it's hollow. The hollow cavity leaves room for energy, or entities to amass within the area. Information that I was privy too also reveals that because dolls are held in close proximity to the body, they are able to imprint resonant vibrations. Which wow! I thought this was so interesting but it really makes sense if you think about it! Haunted dolls are nothing new. They've inspired many movies, and our housed in museums and personal collections all over the world. One of the worlds most famous, and i'd say the most creepy for sure, is Robert the doll, who was once owned by Florida painter and author, Robert Eugene Otto. Have you ever heard about this guy or his namesake Robert the doll? The legend tells that the doll was a birthday gift from Roberts grandfather, who bought it on a trip in Germany in 1904. The doll has been known to move, make faces, and even giggle. No joke I would wet my pants if any of my new dolls do that. There's also Annabelle the doll, who was so famous they made a movie about her. This well known haunted object is now housed in the occult museum of the paranormal investigators, ed and Lorraine Warren. 

In case your wondering other items besides dolls and toys can be haunted, such as statues, beds, furniture, clothing (because of its close proximity to the body and length of time worn), jewelry, mirrors, and other cherished items, even houses. If you're curious to find out more about haunted items or are interested in taking a class please visit or find her on etsy. She even does a weekly haunted items hunt on her facebook which is totally fun! So, be careful about items you purchase at goodwill, yardsales and flea markets. Even if the deal seems to good to pass it, if it gives you an unusual or sick feeling their may be a reason for that!

Alright guys, we are going to play with our dolls now, and see if we can determine if they are haunted, or merely creepy looking. Check out our YouTube video to watch our investigation of the dolls!


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