S1:E5:P3 Show Notes
Good Evening and
Welcome back to the final night of our Strange Kentucky Skies Mini Series,
where we’ve been covering all kinds of interesting UFO and extraterrestrial
topics. All things Alien…we tried to cover them. But the more we learned, the
more we realized there is a vast amount of information available. IF we covered
it all, each episode would have last about 10 hours, or more. But, we hope we
can bring you some of the most interesting highlighted cases. And more than anything,
we hope this will encourage you to do some research of your own, and stay curious,
stay mindful, and of course…Stay Uncommon.
Right now the History Chanel is featuring
a Interactive Map of UFO Sightings Taken seriously by the US Government (check it out). Between
1947 and 1969, at the height of the ColdWar, more than 12,000 UFO sightings
were reported to Project Blue Book. All in all, about 20 out of the 12,000 or
more were taken seriously. Maybe you’ve
heard Project Blue Book. Maybe you haven’t. I’ll share a little bit of
background according to an interesting article I found in the New York Times (read full article here), “Project Blue Book
was the code name for an Air Force program set up in 1952, after numerous
U.F.O. sightings during the Cold War era, to explain away or debunk as many
reports as possible in order to mitigate possible panic and shield the public
from a genuine national security problem: an apparently technological
phenomenon that was beyond human control and was not Russian, yet represented
an unfathomable potential threat.” [1]
So, project blue book is pretty cool. And it’s awesome they
have declassified bits of it. But, it also around 50 years old. What has the government
been up to for the last 50 years?
The Weird Case of A Human/Alien Hybrid?? You decide!
I’m about to tell you about one of the weirdest stories to emerge from LA, and
that’s saying something because, c’mon LA is synonymous with craziness. This is
the story of Jeffrey Allen Lash…Human Alien hybrid or /wealthy Loner??…you be
the judge. The story is both perplexing and fascinating. Like the more I found
out, the more questions I had. The story first begins at the end; with his
death. In the summer of 2015 Jeffrey Lash’s badly decomposing corpse was
discovered by the LA police dept. in a parked/abandoned vehicle. *GAG ALERT*
His lady friend called to notify the police of his location. His female friend,
some say fiance (who I’ll explain more about in a sec) says when he died she
left him in his vehicle, upon his explicit
instructions to do so because a special agency would retrieve and dispose
of his body. She calmly explained all of this to officials, after telling them
he was a human alien hybrid. She
claimed that he was a half alien human hybrid working for multiple secret
government agencies. Totally common explanation, right? Super believable…Well that’s
not even the weirdest part. … Investigators and police went to Lash’s house, I
guess to rule out foul play, and what they found absolutely floored them. His
lavish Los Angela Condo was filled with around 1,500 guns, $250 thousand in
CASH, 6 tons of ammunition, various other knives, explosives, bomb making
materials, etc. which altogether was valued at over 5 million dollars. That’s A
LOT OF FIREPOWER!! He also had anywhere from 8-14 different vehicles, stashed
around town, according to different sources. One of which was a Toyota SUV
designed to drive underwater. How did the ATF not know about this? I mean California
gun laws are stricter compared to other states. But, I guess because he legitimately
and legally owned his guns, the purchases never raised any flags. Or…the
government gave him a pass to compile munitions. That’s deeply concerning…like
wow. Even weirder…Lash did not appear to even have a job…so how did he amass
the funds to have such an extravagant gun collection? His “fiancées” attorney,
Harland Braun, who had been with him for 30 years had no idea what his
occupation even was! Allegedly he never filed a tax report and there are no
records of him having a job! We do know he attended UCLA in 1972 but dropped
out. Afterwards he began to sever ALL ties with family and friends. His
stepmother said she had no idea where he had gotten all the money, they hadn’t
spoken to him in years and apparently, he didn’t even attend his father’s
funeral. I read also that his father was a scientist who was at Roswell but any
information on that was dead end and hard to find so well…let that go.
Aside from his ammunitions hoarding hobby, It seems Jeffrey
Lash was apparently a pretty smooth player because, he juggled multiple romantic relationships with various women, all who seemed very
normal. This intricate web of women who all appeared to have been mentally
manipulated to the point of immense loyalty. Among the women that we know of are Michelle
Lyons who he was with the longest (1986-1998), Katheryn Nebron and her
secretary/personal assistant Dawn vadBunker, who no one has heard from since
lash’s death, mother says the bank is untouched0), and another women named Jocelynn
a. (no last name given). He had all of these women convinced that he was a half
human/half alien secret agent working for some secret government project like
the CIA, black ops, etc. But, also apparently all of his neighbors knew and
accepted this, as well as other in his community. They said he wore black,
shuddered at photography and was just ODD. It was also rumored that he ate raw
steak, and that his autopsy revealed he had no fingerprints. Jeffrey claimed
that he was tasked with protecting the planet and the human race. It’s all just
weird, and mysterious and makes no sense. My biggest question is where did he
get all the money when it was apparent, he wasn’t working? Was he a con man?
Did all of his women supply him with funds for his gun hoard, or was the government supplying his income? The
police remarked that there was no real evidence he was a drug dealer or
anything of that nature. What do you think of the story of Jeffrey lash?
End note:
We are looking for interesting people to interview for a NEW
Paranormal Podcast. Seeking people who have experienced paranormal events such
as UFO/E.T. sightings, Big Foot encounters, and hauntings/ghost activity…any type of
unexplainable phenomena! We can keep your identity confidential upon request.
[1] Blumenthal,
R., & Kean, L. (2019, January 16). 'Project Blue Book' Is Based on a True
U.F.O. Story. Here It Is. Retrieved from
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